Neighbourhood Watch

Neighbourhood Watch
The village no longer operates an active Neighbourhood Watch scheme, however should anyone wish to restart the scheme please contact the village clerk on [email protected]
Thieves operate in this area
Please be aware that thieves frequently operate in many of the beauty spots around the South Downs National Park, including around Old Winchester Hill and Beacon Hill close to us in Warnford. Police advice is to ensure that your car is locked, windows are not left open and no valuables are left on display. It is best to remove anything of value from the car and take it with you as thieves often break into parked cars speculatively. Try to park in the designated car parks where there is likely to be regular activity from other members of the public.
Hampshire Alert
Hampshire Alert is a new police system of contacting the public across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.
Hampshire Alert is compatible with the National Neighbourhood Watch Alerts system. Neighbourhood Watch coordinators and members of their schemes, who when registered, will receive all alerts that are relevant to their areas of interest.
There are a number of different ways that users can register. These are:-
· Hampshire Alert (,
· Neighbourhood Alerts (
· Country Watch (
All of these sites will allow you access to receive alerts relevant to you. Remember that when you register on any of these sites it is important to identify that you are a part of Neighbourhood Watch and so you receive regular, timely updates.
We would encourage you all to sign up through Hampshire Alert at
If you have already registered through Country Watch or through National Neighbourhood Watch, you are automatically registered for Hampshire Alert, Just please take a moment to check that you have elected to receive updates relating to both the Police and Neighbourhood Watch.
For a guide on the best way to report a crime, or determine if something you have seen is urgent or not, see the Community Policing page.