Footpaths and Walks

Footpaths & Rights of Way
Warnford Parish is in a beautiful location in the Upper Meon Valley, within the South Downs National Park. We have about 12 miles of public rights of way including footpaths, bridleways and “green lanes”. The map above is provided for guidance. (If you need exact details of routes, etc, please look at the “Definitive Map” held by Hampshire County Council)
These rights of way are ancient. Please enjoy them, but do it carefully. Common sense applies. Keep to the marked line, keep dogs under control and don’t damage crops, gates, fences or disturb wildlife or livestock. Leave gates as you find them. The Countryside Code provides more advice:
Footpaths are for pedestrians only; bridleways are for horse riding and walking and can be used for cycling as well.
Warnford’s “green lanes” are unclassified county roads, so can be used by any road-legal motor vehicle as well as by riders and walkers, however, please report antisocial use (noise late at night, “mud-plugging”, trespass on adjacent land or damaging trees).
In some places you will find that the landowner has marked a “Permissive Path” which provides an alternative to the legal right of way to reduce the risk of damaging crops and disturbing livestock. You're not obliged to use these but you will find that they are easier to use and provide just as good a view so are to everybody’s advantage.
The Parish monitors the status of its rights of way – the document below provides a summary of current issues:
If you spot a problem (confusing or missing signs, path blocked by fallen tree, overgrown vegetation, misuse, etc) you can report it to the Parish Meeting Clerk here and/or you can report it to Hampshire County Council here.
If you spot something illegal such as driving a motor vehicle on a footpath or bridleway, this should be reported to the Police on 101.
The National Park will support improvement and even extension of the rights of way network – obviously this isn’t easy and has to be negotiated with landowners over time, but please let us know if you have some ideas. Contact us.