Parish Meeting
The Warnford Parish Meeting
Being a very small village, Warnford is not big enough to have a Parish Council and so its ‘local’ tier of local government is the Warnford Parish Meeting. Generally speaking, Parish Meetings have fewer powers than Parish Councils and have considerably less red tape. Currently the officers of the Parish Meeting are Mark Rogers (Chairman) and Lucy Hutchinson (Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer). Contact details can be found on the Who's who page. In addition Phil Chadder runs the Parish Lengthsman scheme for Warnford. Karen Cornelius is the representative on the Village Hall Committee and Jeremy Barber is the representative on the Touchet Trust. Anyone wishing to contact the Village Hall or Touchet Trust representatives can do so via the Clerk.
The Parish Meeting meets twice a year, in May (the Annual General Meeting) and in November. It can also hold ad-hoc meetings at other times to discuss specific issues of interest to the village. Meetings are open to all residents of the parish, who can suggest items for discussion. Meeting agendas and minutes are published on this website. At the November meeting the precept is set which is paid by Winchester County Council. This fixes the income for the forthcoming year and more financial details can be found in the annual statement of accounts and in the minutes of the meeting. Any organisation wishing to apply for a grant from the Parish Meeting should follow the Guidance notes.
The tiers of local government above the Parish Meeting are Winchester City Council (which deals with many planning matters under delegated powers from the South Downs National Park Authority), Hampshire County Council (which deals with,certain other issues, e.g. highways matters) and the South Downs National Park Authority.
Our WCC Councillor and HCC Councillor, attend the May and November meetings whenever possible.
Communication by the Parish Meeting
As well as putting information on this website, email is also used. The Chairman has an email distribution list for parish residents which is used to send emails covering matters of importance which cannot wait for the next meeting, such as planning applications.
Sometimes it is helpful for the Parish Meeting to contact parish residents by telephone or post. Following the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation on 25th May 2018, the Parish Meeting needs the consent of individuals in order to include them in the email distribution list or keep in touch by telephone or post.
Anyone wishing to be contacted in any of these ways should complete the Consent form which can be found here and send the completed form to the Clerk.
Contacting the Chairman and the Clerk
The Chairman and the Clerk can be contacted directly by clicking on the links found on the Who's who page.