.....from the Minute Book

In this section we aim to bring you a variety of snippets from the Warnford Village Meeting minute book over the decades. Hopefully you will find these informative, entertaining, amusing or just quirky but they represent real issues that our village ancestors found worthy of raising in public debate. I wonder if they are the same issues we still talk about today...?
This entire section has been compiled and edited by Derek Chapman who writes...
Lucy, our Parish Clerk, was kind enough to lend me the Warnford Parish Minute Book, 1948 to 1987 and I thought some extracts might be of interest! Comments in brackets (like this) are mainly from Peter Short’s memory of the people involved.
Meetings were held in the Old School House until 1980 when it was sold, and then in the Club Room in the Farm Gate buildings. From 1948 until 1960 the minutes are very comprehensive and in the beautiful handwriting of the Rector, the Reverend Charles Millen. After that they go downhill a bit, both in terms of tidiness and detail!