Planning Matters

The future shape of Warnford village and its environment will be influenced by decisions made through the planning process. All members of the Parish are encouraged to play an active part.
The Planning Authority for Warnford is the South Downs National Park (SDNP). In the main, planning applications are handled on behalf of SDNP by Winchester City Council (WCC).
A special Parish Meeting on 25th June 2015 decided not to produce a Neighbourhood Plan, but to investigate the possibility of producing a Village Design Statement and/or a Local Landscape Character Assessment. The same meeting asked the Parish officers to engage actively with the planning process, both in commenting on SDNP’s new Local Plan and in responding to planning applications. Subsequently it was decided not to pursue a VDS or LLCA.
The policies which currently apply are set out in the Winchester City Council Joint Core Strategy (see Chapter 6 for specific reference to Warnford). SDNP has now published the latest draft of its own Local Plan which will apply from 2017 – details of where to find it and how to comment are on this site at the “SDNP Local Plan” page.
If you think you may need to apply for planning permission click here to find out.
You can search for current and past planning applications on the SDNP website and, if you register on this website, you can receive updates when any new activity or new application is made. For details of how to register on the SDNP planning portal follow this link.
Current/Recent Applications for Warnford - these are reviewed as part of the Bi-annual Parish Meetings and documents relating to these can be found here.
When an application is made, the Planning Authority is under a duty to notify neighbours and other parties affected by it, as well as the Parish Meeting. The notification gives a deadline for any responses (usually 21 days). Anyone can comment, object or make a statement in support directly to the Planning Authority. This is usually done online, on the Planning Authorities website.
The Parish Meeting is asked if it wishes to comment on planning applications within the parish by posting a response on the Planning Authority’s website, but only on planning issues. The Chair emails round details of planning applications and invites comments which are taken into account when preparing the Parish Meeting’s response. If you wish to receive copies of planning application for the village you can ask to be added to the Chair’s email distribution list - contact the Parish Clerk for more details.
You can also register direct with SDNPA so that you receive emails informing you of any applications (including APNBs, see below) in the parish by following this link.
So you can make your views known either direct to the Planning Authority or ( and we appreciate that some prefer not to submit comments themselves) or to the Parish Meeting’s Chair /Clerk. If you do submit comments direct it is helpful to the Chair and Clerk if you let them have your comments in good time so that they can inform the Parish Meeting’s response.
Applications described as APNB (Agricultural Prior Notification Building) are not technically planning applications and the Planning Authority does not consult on them, although they do consider comments which identify factual inaccuracies in APNBs.